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This gathering will bring together local workforce and community leaders and funders to learn about post-fire workforce initiatives underway in the North Bay region.
This briefing will address how grantmakers can boost economic prosperity for low- and middle-income immigrants and refugees—and native-born residents alike—by reducing barriers to building wealth.
Join us on this webinar to learn from organizations working closely with the AAPI, Black Diaspora, and LGBTQ immigrant communities as well as from philanthropic leaders with national, state, and local funding strategies and insights for supporting DACAmented immigrants and their families.
Our nation has just completed an incomparable year. A wave of restrictionist policies, championed by some and unthinkable to others, have disrupted families and communities, schools and businesses across the nation. In the wake of these changes, what will the New Year hold?
Join us for a webinar featuring a new report from The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Living in an Immigrant Family in America: How Fear and Toxic Stress Are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, and Health.
This call will review the significant shifts of the past several months, with a focus on the tensions between federal immigration enforcement and local government responses.
This webinar will share key findings from research commissioned by AFN and GCIR, and participants will have the opportunity to hear from experts from the field who will share lessons and best practices emerging from their work at this critical intersection.
This month’s edition of GCIR’s Monthly Immigration Policy Calls will provide an in-depth review of this regulation, explore the meaning of ‘public charge,’ and highlight how a campaign, “Protecting Immigrant Families, Advancing Our Future,” is uniting a cross-sector of key national, state, and local level organizations to protect and defend access to health care, nutrition programs, public services, and economic supports for immigrants and their families.
This policy call considered the administration’s efforts to deny access to justice to immigrants in detention and a recent surprising policy reversal, as well as the long-term view of how denial of access to justice can impact conditions of confinement for immigrants separated from their children and families.
Join Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and our co-sponsors for a special funders’ briefing on efforts to support immigrant and refugee students in California through a collaboration between Californians Together, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and GCIR.
Join us to learn about the greatest needs and gaps on the ground for immigrant and refugee communities, and hear from local experts on implications for services and policies.
This call will review recent policy developments and help participants understand their impact on immigrant and refugee communities.
Join us to learn more about the intersections between criminal justice and immigration systems, how the criminal justice reform and immigrant rights community are responding, and what funders can do at this critical moment.
This call will consider what role U.S. funders can play, both within the United States and internationally, in addressing the needs of displaced and vulnerable men, women, and children.
Join this call to learn about how federal policy will impact trafficking victims and survivors, the existing support infrastructure for survivors, and how philanthropy is responding, from investments in prevention and direct services to systemic solutions.
Join us in a conversation with academic, government, nonprofit, and philanthropic leaders as we explore the history of immigration detention in America, analyze reforms at the local and federal level, discuss what solutions might look like under a federal administration unwelcoming of a pro-immigrant and justice reform agenda, and understand how philanthropy is playing a critical role in addressing the issue.
The expansion of immigration enforcement personnel, expedited deportation with no access to immigration courts, reduced protections for unaccompanied children, decreased refugee admittance, and the upcoming revised travel ban are just some of the policies rapidly changing the lives of Southern Californians.
This one-hour call will examine the impact of the administration’s policies on low-wage immigrant workers and the role of employers, labor unions, and community-based groups, such as worker centers, in helping to protect their basic rights.
Sanctuary policies have garnered heightened media attention since the president signed an executive order on January 25 to withhold federal funding from cities that adopt such policies. What are sanctuary policies? What are the implications of the executive order?
GCIR is holding a philanthropy-only rapid response policy call to review the policies created by these executive orders and the short- and long-term implications for immigrant and refugee families. There will be an opportunity to ask experts your questions about these recent announcements.