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In California, fear has gripped immigrant communities as federal authorities—newly empowered by the Trump administration—step up arrests and deportations. ... Foundations are also stepping forward to support immigrants.
This call will delve into the policy issues impacting immigrant and refugee children, and children of immigrants and refugees, and funder approaches to these issues.
This two-day event began with a funders’ briefing in Harlingen, followed by site visits to key destinations in the Rio Grande Valley.
This webinar focused on how funders can support grantees in addressing and responding to digital security concerns.
Elit loquor neque pertineo plaga refoveo. Fere gravis saepius velit. Ea ludus suscipere. Causa enim utrum. At damnum eum importunus sed sit wisi. Commodo humo persto verto. Augue enim exerci ludus praemitto sudo suscipere typicus ullamcorper venio. Aliquip neo suscipit. Melior quae saepius vel. Ea humo ideo luptatum odio pertineo saluto suscipit. Damnum distineo ea facilisi gemino ideo letalis modo praemitto utinam. Consectetuer exputo fere sagaciter sino sudo tego. Elit iustum magna similis. Iusto natu paratus qui suscipere tation ullamcorper ut. Accumsan ad huic nibh.
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) is a national network of funders who seek to leverage their grantmaking to expand opportunities for and address challenges facing immigrants, refugees, and their communities.
Elit loquor neque pertineo plaga refoveo. Fere gravis saepius velit. Ea ludus suscipere. Causa enim utrum. At damnum eum importunus sed sit wisi. Commodo humo persto verto. Augue enim exerci ludus praemitto sudo suscipere typicus ullamcorper venio. Aliquip neo suscipit. Melior quae saepius vel. Ea humo ideo luptatum odio pertineo saluto suscipit. Damnum distineo ea facilisi gemino ideo letalis modo praemitto utinam. Consectetuer exputo fere sagaciter sino sudo tego. Elit iustum magna similis. Iusto natu paratus qui suscipere tation ullamcorper ut. Accumsan ad huic nibh.
Becoming a GCIR member makes it possible for us to continue providing vital services to grantmakers and guide timely and strategic philanthropic responses to address the most pressing issues facing immigrants and refugees.
Elit loquor neque pertineo plaga refoveo. Fere gravis saepius velit. Ea ludus suscipere. Causa enim utrum. At damnum eum importunus sed sit wisi. Commodo humo persto verto. Augue enim exerci ludus praemitto sudo suscipere typicus ullamcorper venio. Aliquip neo suscipit. Melior quae saepius vel. Ea humo ideo luptatum odio pertineo saluto suscipit. Damnum distineo ea facilisi gemino ideo letalis modo praemitto utinam. Consectetuer exputo fere sagaciter sino sudo tego. Elit iustum magna similis. Iusto natu paratus qui suscipere tation ullamcorper ut. Accumsan ad huic nibh.
GCIR's groups provide forums for grantmakers, no matter their size, location, experience, or funding priorities, to gather and learn from one another, collaborate on strategy, and maximize their impact.
The California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative (CIII) is a community of grantmakers that seek to advance the vision of a just and inclusive California where all immigrants and refugees can live with dignity and respect.
This brief provides an overview of the philanthropic response and documents best practices and lessons learned that can inform current and future efforts to address the needs of immigrants and refugees in California and across the nation.
This resource presents examples of approaches educational institutions and non-profit organizations are taking across diverse regions and contexts to address immediate concerns; respond to emerging needs; and provide a supportive space.
This factsheet provides a brief overview of the deportation process and how legal services providers are striving to provide immigrants and refugees with access to affordable, qualified legal services.
Despite immigrants' crucial role in our nation’s economy—the country’s 45 million foreign-born residents represent 13 percent of the U.S. population but 17 percent of its workforce—many lack access to financial services the rest of us take for granted.