• GENERAL registration is open


    Register today for our Biennial National Convening, taking place October 28-30, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan.

  • GCIR's citizenship timeline


    Understanding our history and the forces that drive migration is critical to understanding how we decide who gets to be an American today.







    GCIR believes that philanthropy can play a significant role in creating the conditions for migrant women to increase their economic power.



  • reflections from the us-mexico border


    Visibilize, mobilize, and amplify: These three goals represented the driving force behind a recent learning trip for funders to the U.S.-Mexico border.

  • building narrative power


    In our latest Amplify podcast interview, two documentarians explain why narrative work should be prioritized in philanthropic funding.

general Registration IS NOW OPEN!

GCIR’s 2024 convening will take place in the context of daunting challenges for immigrant communities at a pivotal moment for our
country’s future as a multi-racial democracy. We will meet that moment together at our gathering by addressing those challenges
while shining a light on the powerful advocacy and organizing work being done to effect systemic change and build strong,
welcoming, fully inclusive communities.

Register Now

Now is the time to act

Join a growing philanthropic movement, currently 130 foundations strong, to address immigrant-specific issues and advance justice, equity, and inclusion for all.

Recent News

Monday, September 9, 2024

How Strategic Learning can be a Value for Grantmakers in the Migrant Justice Space

Drawing on reflections from a recent GCIR webinar about the value of learning in grantmakin, GCIR's Programs Learning Manager Anduriña Espinoza-Wasil explains that learning for evaluation purposes is not a one-time event at the end of a grant period, but a powerful process that is ongoing. There is an important relationship between learning and strategy, the ways learning processes can hold us accountable to the communities we serve, and how funders can start learning now. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Florida's Child Labor Laws Are the Latest Target of Anti-Immigrant Exploitation

The U.S. has a long history of exploitative labor practices that target the most vulnerable in our society — including children. And now we’re seeing a troubling new trend. Over the last two years alone, more than a dozen states have either introduced or enacted policies to undo child labor protections. The latest example comes out of Florida, where a pair of newly-enacted laws go beyond loosening labor protections for teenagers — they also perpetuate systems designed to exploit vulnerable populations for cheap labor, driven by greed and racial capitalism.