Monthly Immigration Policy Calls: Recent Policy Developments and Their Impact

Monthly Immigration Policy Calls: Recent Policy Developments and Their Impact
Thursday, May 18, 2017 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm PDT
Register for Details


From the Lone Star State to the White House, the month of May has seen several policy changes that will have a negative impact on immigrant communities and communities of color across the country. In Texas, the governor signed into law a bill that bans sanctuary cities and enables all law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration law. In Washington, the president established a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity to investigate voter-fraud claims and appointed a prominent anti-immigration activist Kris Kobach as vice chair. And on May 23, the administration faces a deadline on whether to extend temporary protected status for 50,000 Haitians or whether to deport them. This call reviewed these policy developments and helped participants understand their impact on immigrant and refugee communities. 



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Phototom_lohdan / Creative Commons