GCIR Director of Programs Aryah Somers Landsberger shares recommendations for how funders can support immigrant children and families.
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A group of leading California foundations issued this call to action on immigration to philanthropy.
More than 40 leading California foundations signed this statement in support of DACA following the program's cancellation.
GCIR's statement on the cancellation of DACA and a call to philanthropy to respond.
Twenty-six members of GCIR's Delivering on the Dream collaborative have signed onto this statement in support of DACA.
GCIR's statement on the events in Charlottesville and the rise of white nationalist and supremacist groups nationally.
In California, fear has gripped immigrant communities as federal authorities—newly empowered by the Trump administration—step up arrests and deportations. ... Foundations are also stepping forward to support immigrants.
Despite immigrants' crucial role in our nation’s economy—the country’s 45 million foreign-born residents represent 13 percent of the U.S. population but 17 percent of its workforce—many lack access to financial services the rest of us take for granted.
A week ago, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees issued a powerful joint statement calling on funders to take a stand against President Trump’s executive orders on immigrants and refugees.
As a Mexican immigrant dedicated to building my career in the philanthropy space, I’m deeply moved and inspired by the Joint Foundation Statement on Immigration organized by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees.