
Response Fund
March 15, 2020
Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation

Restaurant Workers Community Foundation was founded in 2018 to advocate for gender equality, racial justice, fair wages, and healthy work environments in the restaurant industry. In the wake of the coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, RWCF’s full focus is on supporting workers, small business owners, and an industry in crisis. 

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March 14, 2020

The East Bay Community Foundation is fortunate to be part of a compassionate, generous, and resilient community. In these times especially, the health, safety and well-being of their partners, staff and neighbors remains their top priority.

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Blog Post
March 11, 2020
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

The economy, natural disasters, big breaking news, election cycles, etc. all make catching potential donors’ attention and investments more difficult. In the course of a normal year, these dynamics are commonplace and even anticipatable. We know how to reschedule campaigns, we’re getting better at planning for the boom and bust of electoral cycle funding and have learned to lean into more resilient sources of independent revenue like sustainer giving to get us through the ups and downs.

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Press Release
January 27, 2020

The membership of Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) elected three new members to its board of directors, as well as re-elected three current board members.

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President's Message
September 10, 2019

The Trump administration has launched its most far-reaching attack on immigrants to date in the guise of a seemingly innocuous regulatory change: the revised “public charge” rule. When the new rule goes into effect on October 15, barring delays due to litigation, immigrants accessing programs that help them meet basic needs, such as food, housing, and health care, can be denied a green card, and individuals deemed likely to use these programs can be denied admission to the United States.

Press Release
September 6, 2019

The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan is joining with Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees and The Kresge Foundation to create the Southeast Michigan Immigrant and Refugee Funder Collaborative, which seeks to address a needs gap of the immigrant and refugee population in the region.


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