Undocumented Immigrants
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Building a Multi-Racial Democracy by Investing in Immigrant and Refugee Movements Before, During, and After Elections" here, including the session recording, transcript, and other materials shared.
August 2024
Program Materials
This briefing will feature a panel of speakers representing nonprofit organizations working on the front lines to strengthen our democracy and advance immigrant rights in their communities.
July 2024
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's strategy session "DACA in the Balance: Mobilizing to Protect Our Communities" here, including recording, PowerPoint, and other materials.
November 2022
Program Materials
Join GCIR for a discussion – informed by experts from across the country – of the future of the legal services landscape, along with a dive into our recent report: 2022 Update: Immigration Legal Services in California: A Time for Bold Action.
July 2022
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "The Future of Immigration Legal Services: A Time For Bold Action" here, including program recording and powerpoint.
July 2022
Program Materials
Open Society Foundations and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees commissioned this report as part of a larger effort to make resources, knowledge, and infrastructure developed during the pandemic known to grantmakers responding to future economic disruptions. Stand Together describes Covid-19 direct relief funds for undocumented immigrants and records promising practices for crisis grantmaking in immigrant communities.
October 2021
Join our panelists as they discuss how their work serves to build the broader narrative of immigrant justice whereby we honor every person’s human dignity, including immigrants.
July 2021
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar, "The Role of the Arts in the Immigrant Justice Movement" here, including recording and powerpoint presentation.
July 2021
Program Materials
Join GCIR and FCYO for a discussion with leaders from the immigrant youth moment during this critical time.
May 2021
Join GCIR and Resilience Force in an abbreviated showing of episode four of the immediately acclaimed Netflix docuseries: “Immigration Nation.” Following various clips, dive into a discussion with filmmakers and organizers exploring the connection between climate, immigration, labor, ICE enforcement, and philanthropy’s response in this moment.
August 2020