Grantmaking & Philanthropic Collaboration

Join GCIR and our colleagues, Council of Michigan Foundations, for a conversation that will provide funders with a baseline understanding of immigrant and refugee issues and insights into how they can support these communities beyond civic engagement efforts in the run-up to elections and readily and strategically allocate resources in response to post-election developments.
September 2024
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "The Value of Learning in Grantmaking to Migrant Communities" here, including the session recording, transcription of the meeting, and relevant links.
The Value of Leaning
August 2024
Program Materials
Join GCIR in a conversation with learning professionals in philanthropy to hear how their distinct approaches to learning impact their approach to grantmaking. Participants will also learn how funders have adjusted their strategy and practices to better support migrant justice.  
July 2024
Visibilize, mobilize, and amplify: These three goals represented the driving force behind a recent learning trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, organized for 15 funders by Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) and Grantmakers Concerned with Imigrants and Refugees (GCIR). This delgation traveled to McAllen, Texas, and Reynosa, Mexico in early May to connect with nonprofits providing critical services. Humanitarian relief, legal services, power-building, and advocacy are just some examples of the vital work groups are leading in border communities. The learning trip left a lasting impact on Lincoln Mondy, a Program Officer at the Andrus Family Fund. He joined Ivy O. Suriyopas, GCIR's Vice President of Programs, and Andrea Villaseñor de la Vega, Director of the Migration and Climate Mobility program at HIP, to share his personal reflections and experiences.
June 2024
Blog Post
"I don't have 5-year goals, I have 500-year goals of liberation," declared Rubén Garza of Voces Unidas. He didn't hold back in a room full of funders and community leaders from the Rio Grande Valley.  Rubén set the tone for 15 funders who traveled from across the United States and Mexico to join a learning trip to the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) and Reynosa, Mexico. Hosted by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Hispanics in Philanthropy, the experience aimed to amplify the voices of border communities, demonstrate the impacts of unjust immigration policies, and mobilize resources for migrant-serving groups.
May 2024
Blog Post
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Funding Like You Want to Win: Philanthropy & Movement Investments" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.
Funding Like You Want to Win: Philanthropy & Movement Investments
April 2024
Program Materials
In this conversation we’ll hear from leaders at the forefront of efforts to build a more inclusive, healthier, safer and prosperous multi-racial democracy, as well as learn from foundations that have embraced movement-centered strategies.
March 2024
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's meeting "Southeast Regional Community of Practice Q1 2024 Meeting" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.
March 2024
Program Materials
With the success of GCIR’s Southeast Network pilot call in 2023, we are excited to formally establish an ongoing Community of Practice for national and place-based funders who fund in the Southeast U.S. region.
February 2024
Group Meeting
For this final issue, we wanted to highlight our key takeaways from the past year. We hope the findings from our newsletter series will further inform your understanding of the support and services provided by our nonprofit partners and inspire you to invest in their work with migrants. 
January 2024
Response Fund


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