Resourcing Rural Belonging Community of Practice Meeting

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Thursday, December 12, 2024 -
11:30am to 12:45pm PST
Virtual Event
Video Conference

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If you are a funder practitioner currently or considering funding in rural communities and are interested in the intersection of rural issues with migrant justice and belonging, we invite you to join GCIR’s Resourcing Rural Belonging Community of Practice.

According to FWD.US., between 2000 and 2020, departures from rural counties outweighed new arrivals by 700,000 people. Yet many communities that have seen a rebound have been the primary destination points for immigrants and refugees. This has come with its own set of challenges, including language access needs, workplace abuse, heightened criminalization, and lack of legal access.

While we address these challenges, we can be certain that rural demographics will continue to shift in the coming decades. How do we prepare for that future? What will it take to advance immigrant and refugee belonging and justice in rural communities? We hope to answer these questions as GCIR pilots this new working group, and we welcome you to join us for the next meeting.

A meeting agenda is forthcoming.

To learn more about the Resourcing Rural Belonging Community of Practice, contact Cairo Mendes, Senior Director of State and Local Programs, or visit the Resourcing Rural Belonging Community of Practice group page.


To join this meeting, please register by 5pm PT on Wednesday, December 11th.  

Photo by Andree_Nery on iStock, is licensed under standard license.

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Thank You

 A special thanks to GCIR members and funders for their support in making this program possible.