EBCF Response To COVID-19

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The East Bay Community Foundation is fortunate to be part of a compassionate, generous, and resilient community. In these times especially, the health, safety and well-being of their partners, staff and neighbors remains their top priority. On their response page, they’ve outlined some of the steps they’re taking to minimize the spread of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) and help “flatten the curve.” Because of the rapidly changing environment, EBCF encourages everyone to closely monitor updates and review valuable health and safety resources from the Centers for Disease Control as well as local health departments.

EBCF encourages everyone to continue to support local nonprofit organizations that work with people and families who are most susceptible. Community health centers, homeless shelters, pre-school and after-school programs, food pantries and other organizations, which are already dealing with reductions in state and federal funding, will be further stretched. To help protect public health, we urge you to support regional and local COVID-19 response efforts.


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