
Yesterday, President Biden signed an executive order that fundamentally undermines the right for individuals fleeing dangerous conditions to seek asylum in the United States. The order, with some limited exceptions, including for unaccompanied minors, ends the longstanding US policy of allowing individuals who present at a border the chance to apply for asylum. Instead, the border will be closed to new arrivals once an arbitrary target of 2,500 irregular crossings per day is reached - a figure that is unsurprisingly already being exceeded given push factors including armed conflicts, gender-based violence, and political persecution that have displaced millions around the globe.
June 2024
In a disappointing but not unexpected ruling, a federal district court rejected the Biden administration’s attempt to protect approximately 600,000 undocumented individuals from deportation. Yet, there are various strategies philanthropy can deploy at this critical moment.
GCIR logo.png
September 2023
With the federal administration set to end the use of public health law Title 42 as an expulsion tool to deny would-be asylum seekers entry into the United States (a policy deemed unconstitutional by a federal court late last year) tomorrow, it is widely expected that a significant number of individuals and families will enter the U.S. through the southern border in search of refuge. Therefore, GCIR is calling on philanthropy to resource immediate and long term responses to the humanitarian needs of migrants.
May 2023
We at GCIR are heartbroken about the devastating crises unfolding in Afghanistan and Haiti. Our country can rise to our highest ideals by providing protection to those who most desperately need it and welcoming them into our communities. Read our statement with recommendations for philanthropy.
August 2021
The recent federal court decision blocking approval of new and pending DACA applications underscores the need for a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants who call this country home. Read our statement for analysis and specific actions philanthropy can take to help the immigrant justice movement reach this goal.
July 2021
As an organization dedicated to advancing justice and equity for all, we at GCIR are appalled at the insurrection, violence, and rioting we witnessed earlier this week, which were direct consequences of the divisive rhetoric and oppressive policies promulgated by Trump and his enablers over the past four years.
US Capitol Building
January 2021
Statement from the Women’s Refugee Commission proposing the incoming Biden Administration take forth a humanitarian and human rights agenda within the first 100 days.
November 2020
The historic 2020 U.S. presidential election is over, and the will of the people has prevailed. A record number of people cast their votes, not just for the next president of the United States but also for the kind of country they wish America to be: vibrant, inclusive, welcoming. 
American flag with sunshine behind it
November 2020
This op-ed was originally published in the Chronicle of Philanthropy on September 23, 2020. The undersigned funders join GCIR in taking a stand against hate and support this call to action to philanthropy.
September 2020
In response to Trump Administration’s memorandum to remove undocumented immigrants from the 2020 Census apportionment count, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Philanthropy California issue the following statement:
July 2020


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