External News

April 10, 2020

COVID-19 has destroyed the livelihoods of many in our community.  But whereas those with status can rely on unemployment benefits, medicare, and any forthcoming federally funded COVID-19 relief programs to get them through this crisis, our undocumented community members can only get help from us. 

Response Fund
April 10, 2020

Currently, due to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic we are seeing that this is disproportionally affecting undocumented indigenous people. Given that most of the workers in the service sector, housekeepers and restaurant are undocumented-indigenous many have lost their income and cannot apply for unemployment or receive any help from the federal government.

News Article
April 9, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has reached the processing plants where workers typically stand elbow-to-elbow to do the low-wage work of cutting, deboning and packing the chicken and beef that Americans savor. Some plants have offered financial incentives to keep them on the job, but the virus’s swift spread is causing illness and forcing plants to close.

News Article
April 6, 2020

Across the country, 202,500 DACA recipients are working to protect the health and safety of Americans as the country confronts COVID-19. They are ensuring that children are still being educated; food is still being grown, packaged, cooked, shipped, and put on the shelves of grocery stores; patients are being cared for; and much more.

News Article
April 4, 2020

Every day when Carmelita finishes her shift in the strawberry fields of California’s central coast, she sprays herself down with Lysol, takes off the handkerchief she uses to protect her face, and tucks it in a plastic bag before getting in her car. She’s the sole provider for her two young sons and can’t afford to miss a day on the job.

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