We have created a rapid response fund to support the personal expenses of Muslim artists and activists whose livelihoods are being negatively impacted by this current moment. We will be making $500 grants to individuals through a short application process.
As we anticipate the secondary consequences of COVID-19 on the livelihoods of activists and artists, we know that the need will far exceed the current fund, and only continue to grow as time passes. As Pillars’ initial, rapid response, we have currently designated $15,000 for Muslim artists and activists.
Please apply if this is relevant to you and/or share this information with those who you think would benefit most.
The Process
As a community-based fund, we are aiming to keep the application and distribution process as transparent, simple, and quick as possible. Please reach out to our staff at [email protected] if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. This is the account we will use for any communication related to this rapid response fund. If this form is inaccessible to you, please contact us to complete this form over the phone or Zoom.
These grants are for individual artists and activists who identify as Muslim and who are in the United States. Our process is based on trust, and we trust that applicants are people who have financial constraints that have emerged or been exacerbated as a result of this public health and economic crisis.
Pillars encourages feedback from community members throughout this process. We remain committed to responsive, community-informed funding as we continue to confront this evolving situation.
We will review applications once a week until the fund is depleted, and our goal is to release funds within days of the decision.