Farm & Migrant Workers
Join GCIR as we partner with Philanthropy Northwest to co-host a webinar featuring individuals and organizations who are advancing worker enfranchisement and empowerment and are at the forefront of this movement for farmworker justice.
July 2023
In this webinar session – a part of GCIR’s series on rural power building – we will explore how detention in rural areas is harming communities; challenges to obtaining legal representation; and how local, state, and national organizations are confronting the harmful impacts of immigration detention on communities across the country.
January 2023
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's "Strategies for Resisting Immigration Detention in Rural America" webinar here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
January 2023
Program Materials
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Immigrant Workers in Rural Communities" here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
December 2022
Program Materials
As discussed in GCIR’s program, Building Immigrant & Worker Power in Rural America, immigrants and refugees add to the diversity of rural communities and help mitigate the negative impacts of a rapidly aging population while also enlivening local economies. The availability of work in manufacturing and agriculture has contributed to the considerable growth of immigrant populations in these communities, with nearly 75% of all farmworkers in the United States being foreign-born.
November 2022
Join GCIR and leaders from the field as they share their insights and expertise on how to support migrant workers.
August 2021
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar, " Intersectional Justice: Migrant Workers and Economic Justice" here, including recording and powerpoint presentation.
August 2021
Program Materials
The second quarterly meeting of GCIR's Legal Services Working Group (LSWG).
June 2021
Group Meeting
The second quarterly meeting of GCIR's Delivering on the Dream (DOTD) network.
May 2021
Group Meeting
Join GCIR to learn from leaders in the immigrant rights movement on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic about how philanthropy must significantly increase grantmaking dollars, shift grantmaking practices, embrace risk, and assert leadership to meet the challenges of this moment.
April 2020