African Americans
Census Consultant and GCIR's 2020 Convening Emerging Leader scholarship recipient, Juan Galeano sheds light on the intersection between the Movement for Black Lives and the immigrant rights movement, and calls philanthropy to action to with the shortened deadline we have to complete the census.
August 2020
Blog Post
Justice. Belonging. Humanity. Courage. Solidarity.
Grounded in these values that drive our mission, GCIR condemns racism and racial terror. We condemn the racism and racial terror that have oppressed and brutalized African Americans for more than 400 years.

June 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has reached the processing plants where workers typically stand elbow-to-elbow to do the low-wage work of cutting, deboning and packing the chicken and beef that Americans savor. Some plants have offered financial incentives to keep them on the job, but the virus’s swift spread is causing illness and forcing plants to close.
April 2020
News Article
Source: New York Times
The International Rescue Committee (IRC), like social service organizations across the U.S., has had to rapidly adapt to an unprecedented model of service delivery at a time when America’s most vulnerable families are being profoundly impacted by the dual impact of a public health crisis and an economic shut down.
April 2020
Source: International Rescue Committee
This resource summarizes a briefing that highlighted a wide range of issues impacting Black immigrants and ways that philanthropy can address these issues.

February 2019
Program Materials
This open access book describes the differences in US census coverage, also referred to as “differential undercount”, by showing which groups have the highest net undercounts and which groups have the greatest undercount differentials, and discusses why such undercounts occur.
January 2019
Source: Differential Undercounts in the U.S. Census Who is Missed?
This open access book describes the differences in US census coverage, also referred to as “differential undercount”, by showing which groups have the highest net undercounts and which groups have the greatest undercount differentials, and discusses why such undercounts occur.
January 2019
Source: Differential Undercounts in the U.S. Census Who is Missed?
This open access book describes the differences in US census coverage, also referred to as “differential undercount”, by showing which groups have the highest net undercounts and which groups have the greatest undercount differentials, and discusses why such undercounts occur.
January 2019
Source: Differential Undercounts in the U.S. Census Who is Missed?
Join us on this webinar to learn from organizations working closely with the AAPI, Black Diaspora, and LGBTQ immigrant communities as well as from philanthropic leaders with national, state, and local funding strategies and insights for supporting DACAmented immigrants and their families.
November 2017