Monthly Immigration Policy Call
This call will delve into the policy issues impacting immigrant and refugee children, and children of immigrants and refugees, and funder approaches to these issues.
June 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
This call will review recent policy developments and help participants understand their impact on immigrant and refugee communities.
May 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
This call will consider what role U.S. funders can play, both within the United States and internationally, in addressing the needs of displaced and vulnerable men, women, and children.
April 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
This one-hour call will examine the impact of the administration’s policies on low-wage immigrant workers and the role of employers, labor unions, and community-based groups, such as worker centers, in helping to protect their basic rights.
March 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Sanctuary policies have garnered heightened media attention since the president signed an executive order on January 25 to withhold federal funding from cities that adopt such policies. What are sanctuary policies? What are the implications of the executive order?
February 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
As the new administration takes office and Congress begins its opening session, two national policy experts, Kerri Talbot and John Feehery, will provide their unique perspectives on possible federal immigration policy developments in the first 100 days and beyond.
January 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call