Immigration Enforcement & Detention

In this webinar session – a part of GCIR’s series on rural power building – we will explore how detention in rural areas is harming communities; challenges to obtaining legal representation; and how local, state, and national organizations are confronting the harmful impacts of immigration detention on communities across the country.
January 2023
A tractor drives across a rural field.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's "Strategies for Resisting Immigration Detention in Rural America" webinar here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
A tractor drives across a rural field.
January 2023
Program Materials
Join Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) for a special two-part series with experts from the field on understanding the challenges and opportunities along the southern border, with an emphasis on the role philanthropy can play at this critical stage.
April 2021
Partner Program
Program Image: Two families waiting at the bus stop
Join Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) and Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) for a special two-part series with experts from the field on understanding the challenges and opportunities along the southern border, with an emphasis on the role philanthropy can play at this critical stage.
April 2021
Partner Program
Program Image: Two families waiting at the bus stop
October 2020
Flickr: Thomas Cizauskas/"CrimesAgainstHumanity"; Immigrants in Detention
Join a webinar sponsored by New Breath Foundation, where we will give a brief overview of Cambodian deportations, present what we learned during our trip, and share initiatives we're working on this year to support the Cambodian deportees and their families.
January 2020
Co-Sponsored Program
Listening Tour
Foundations can demonstrate their values and support immigrants and their communities by joining the movement to divest and reinvest.
The logos of Candide Group, Confluence Philanthropy, Edward W. Hazen Foundation, Freedom to Thrive, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, and Real Money Moves. Accompanies the joint issue brief, How to Divest from Immigrant Detention: A Philanthropic Primer.
August 2019
Funding Recommendations, Issue Brief
This brief analyzes challenges being erected at every stage of the U.S. asylum process and the key leverage points for philanthropy.
Dismantling of the U.S. Asylum System and Points of Leverage for Philanthropy
March 2019
Issue Brief
This memorandum synthesizes interviews with key advocate stakeholders to identify the current challenges facing the U.S. asylum system, asylum seekers, and advocates for asylum seekers, and strategic leverage points and funding opportunities for grantmakers.
March 2019
Join this six-hour learning lab to learn about the journey of an immigrant in the United States’ immigration enforcement system, from apprehension and initial processing to detention and defense.
September 2018
Regional Briefing
Round table discussion


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