Regional Border Response to Emerging Migration & Humanitarian Needs Day II

Program Image: Two families waiting at the bus stop
Thursday, April 22, 2021 -
9:00am to 10:30am PDT
Virtual Webinar


To help facilitate strategic, coordinated funder response to near-term humanitarian and legal services needs as well as longer-term systems change opportunities at the U.S. – Mexico border, GCIR is partnering with Hispanics in Philanthropy to host a second program focused on challenges at the border and the role philanthropy can play in response. This webinar will be a strategy session to coordinate action; influence and leverage localized funding efforts; and identify next steps to move resources in the region.

This series is open to interested funders in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California, as well national funders with the ability to deploy funds in these regions.



Visit our registration page to register for Day II. 



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Photo: Moody College of Communication/Creative Commons.