Funding Recommendations

September 2017
Funding Recommendations, Issue Brief
November 2016
Funding Recommendations, Issue Brief
This infographic explains why the 2020 Census is important, why it's difficult to do accurately, and gives funding recommendations.
Everyone Counts! A Census 2020 infographic.
October 2016
Funding Recommendations, Infographic
This infographic explains why the 2020 Census is particularly important to California and offers recomendations for funders.
California Counts Census Infographic
October 2016
Funding Recommendations, Infographic
These funding recommendations focus on how funders can support refugees along their resettlement and integration journey in the United States.
June 2016
Funding Recommendations
These funding recommendations cover a broad range of options for funders seeking to respond to the Central American unaccompanied minors crisis.
Central American Refugee and Migrant Children and Families Seeking Protection in the United States: Updated Recommendations for Philanthropic Response
May 2016
Funding Recommendations


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