Our quarterly California Census 2020 Statewide Funders’ Initiative meeting will be an opportunity for members to hear the latest updates around State coordination, regional reflections and plans, and national updates.
June 2020
Group Meeting
Join the Legal Service Working Group (LSWG) for our second meeting of the year.
June 2020
Group Meeting
GCIR staff will be facilitating informal check-in calls as a peer-learning opportunity for CA funders to discuss immigrant and refugee information during the COVID-19 crisis. We welcome all participants to join as they are available to exchange information, share challenges and collaborate with funders from across the state.
May 2020
Group Meeting
GCIR staff will be facilitating informal check-in calls as a peer-learning opportunity for CA funders to discuss immigrant and refugee information during the COVID-19 crisis. We welcome all participants to join as they are available to exchange information, share challenges and collaborate with funders from across the state.
May 2020
Group Meeting
As Californians we know that our own well-being is tied to everyone else’s. California’s Immigrant Resilience Fund is making headlines demonstrating that we are standing together to make sure each and every one of us—native and newcomer—has resources to prevail through the outbreak. No one stands alone. We are one beloved community. Kathleen Kelly Janus, Senior Advisor to the Governor, and Daranee Petsod of Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees joined NCG’s Emily Katz to explain how the fund came to be, some surprising new supporters, and what it means to have a ‘Si Se Puede’ moment (Yes, We Can!)
May 2020
Blog Post
Source: Northern California Grantmakers
Census 2020 California Statewide Funders’ Initiative: Adaptive Strategies to Get out the Count: How California Census Grantees are Pivoting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 2020
Group Materials
The second quarter meeting of GCIR's California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII).
April 2020
Group Meeting
Private fund will support undocumented California families ineligible for federal and state relief in midst of coronavirus crisis in partnership with public fund announced by Gov. Newsom.
April 2020
Press Release
April 2020
Press Release
Source: Office of Governor Gavin Newsom
Today, the California Census 2020 Campaign announced that Census responses jumped 9.1 percentage points during Census week – an estimated 1.36 million households self-responded to the Census form.
April 2020
Blog Post