Census: California Hosts Weeks of Action July 27 – August 10

Publication date: 
July 2020

SACRAMENTO – On Monday, July 27, California’s Census campaign will kick off a focused two-week push to urge Californians to fill out the 2020 Census form. August 6 will be highlighted as the big day of engagement, or “Get Out the Count Day,” where all Californians should take time to fill out the Census.

In coordination with local, regional, and statewide partners, the California Complete Count – Census 2020 Office (Census Office), is organizing various engagement and outreach activities across the state these weeks including virtual events, car caravans, media briefings, webinars, and billboards to encourage California’s communities to take the 2020 Census.

These statewide efforts are to drive Census participation before U.S. Census Bureau (USCB) begin their Non-Response Follow Up (NRFU) operation starting August 11. USCB enumerators will deploy across the country going to homes that have yet to complete the Census form.


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