
Join the next quarterly meeting of GCIR’s California Immigrant Integration Initiative, which facilitates funder engagement, funding coordination and alignment, and member-led initiatives, creating opportunities for funders to leverage the collective impact of their grantmaking and fortify the immigration funding field in California. CIII is comprised of statewide, regional, and local funders from across the state.
June 2023
Group Meeting
Join the next quarterly meeting of GCIR’s California Immigrant Integration Initiative, which facilitates funder engagement, funding coordination and alignment, and member-led initiatives, creating opportunities for funders to leverage the collective impact of their grantmaking and fortify the immigration funding field in California. CIII is comprised of statewide, regional, and local funders from across the state. 
December 2022
Group Meeting
Join the next quarterly meeting of GCIR’s California Immigrant Integration Initiative, which facilitates funder engagement, funding coordination and alignment, and member-led initiatives, creating opportunities for funders to leverage the collective impact of their grantmaking and fortify the immigrant funding field in California. CIII is comprised of statewide, regional, and local funders from across the state. 
September 2022
Group Meeting
Recognizing the intensifying legal service needs of immigrant communities, GCIR and the California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII) launched a study in 2019 to understand the capacity of immigration legal service providers in California and generate recommendations for philanthropic investment. This 2022 update is a supplement to the 2019-20 findings and offers recommendations to strengthen immigration legal services in California. Read the full report to learn more.
2022 Update - Immigration Legal Services in California A Time for Bold Action
May 2022
The fourth quarterly meeting of GCIR's Legal Services Working Group (LSWG).
December 2021
Group Meeting
The fourth quarterly meeting of GCIR's California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII). 
December 2021
Group Meeting
GCIR is announcing the California Dignity for Families Fund’s first round of grantmaking investments, totalling $2.8M. The Fund, launched in May as part of a public-private partnership with the State of California, mobilizes philanthropic dollars to provide urgent humanitarian relief to migrants and support for their resettlement in California communities. 
October 2021
Press Release
Open Society Foundations and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees commissioned this report as part of a larger effort to make resources, knowledge, and infrastructure developed during the pandemic known to grantmakers responding to future economic disruptions. Stand Together describes Covid-19 direct relief funds for undocumented immigrants and records promising practices for crisis grantmaking in immigrant communities.
Cover image of report, Woman holding a small child in front of a market.
October 2021
The third quarterly meeting of GCIR's California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII). 
September 2021
Group Meeting


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