Immigration Policy
Join us for a webinar featuring a new report from The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Living in an Immigrant Family in America: How Fear and Toxic Stress Are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, and Health.
March 2018
This two-page document considers different avenues for funders to respond to the changing policy landscape and support children in immigrant families.
February 2018
Funding Recommendations
Our nation has just completed an incomparable year. A wave of restrictionist policies, championed by some and unthinkable to others, have disrupted families and communities, schools and businesses across the nation. In the wake of these changes, what will the New Year hold?
January 2018
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
This call will review the range of recent policy developments, consider what further changes the coming weeks and months may bring, and help participants understand the impact in their communities and beyond.
October 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Families in the Balance: What does the Policy Debate Mean for Immigrant Families’ Economic Security?
This call considered the profound and wide-ranging challenges to immigrant families’ economic security.
September 2017
Join us to learn about the greatest needs and gaps on the ground for immigrant and refugee communities, and hear from local experts on implications for services and policies.
May 2017
Regional Briefing
This call will review recent policy developments and help participants understand their impact on immigrant and refugee communities.
May 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Join us to learn more about the intersections between criminal justice and immigration systems, how the criminal justice reform and immigrant rights community are responding, and what funders can do at this critical moment.
May 2017
This call will consider what role U.S. funders can play, both within the United States and internationally, in addressing the needs of displaced and vulnerable men, women, and children.
April 2017
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Join this call to learn about how federal policy will impact trafficking victims and survivors, the existing support infrastructure for survivors, and how philanthropy is responding, from investments in prevention and direct services to systemic solutions.
April 2017