Immigration Policy

What does it mean to be an American? How has the United States defined citizenship over time? To explore these critical questions, GCIR has developed a timeline, “Who Gets to Be an American,” which provides in-depth information on the evolution of American citizenship and how the United States has determined who belongs in this country and who does not. Understanding this history and the forces that drive it is critical to understanding how we decide who gets to be American today. This is the first in a series of timelines GCIR will release over the coming year, culminating in the release of a full Im/Migration Timeline tracking the history of movement within, to, and from the United States through a decolonized lens.
December 2023
Data Tool
When you are a Black child in Africa, often the narrative is that our dreams are not valid. However, I am a Zambian who was born and raised on the Continent and was exposed to a multitude of experiences ranging from extreme poverty to traveling to several countries before I turned ten, while also being fortunate enough to play with school friends who came from all over the world. These experiences were critical to instilling confidence in me that my dreams were indeed valid and – even though it is perceived that the Western world and global north holds all the power and resources – what we as Africans had was in fact enough to be happy. However, when I moved to America, those common perceptions started to feel very real, while the dreams seemed nearly impossible.
Normzana Augustin
November 2023
GCIR Board Feature
In this session, participants will hear from three different nonprofit partners to gain deeper insight into the intersection of law and immigrant justice, the role of litigation in advancing a broader social and racial justice agenda, and will explore concrete ways philanthropy can invest in litigation strategies to advance the interests of immigrant communities.
August 2023
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Capitalizing on the Courts: Litigation for Immigrant Justice" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.
August 2023
Program Materials
With the federal administration set to end the use of public health law Title 42 as an expulsion tool to deny would-be asylum seekers entry into the United States (a policy deemed unconstitutional by a federal court late last year) tomorrow, it is widely expected that a significant number of individuals and families will enter the U.S. through the southern border in search of refuge. Therefore, GCIR is calling on philanthropy to resource immediate and long term responses to the humanitarian needs of migrants.
May 2023
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Holding the Line: Defending Against Harmful Federal & State Policies" here, including the session recording and PowerPoint. 
May 2023
Program Materials
Join this webinar to learn more about pressing state and federal immigration policy issues from campaign leaders and to explore steps funders can take to support their efforts.
April 2023
In this issue, we introduce the concept of holistic case management and explore how it can be a powerful tool for meeting the legal and humanitarian needs of migrants.
February 2023
Response Fund
As I reflect on what brings me to this work, I am reminded that these roots run deep. As a Puerto Rican brought up in the United States, I was raised with an awareness of our nation’s history of colonialism and at times violent intervention in Latin America and beyond. I saw how the U.S. government had fought to ensure that the political and economic arrangements in Latin American countries suited its own interests, while then abdicating responsibility for the resulting destabilization. 
Nahir Torres headshot
February 2023
GCIR Board Feature
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's strategy session "DACA in the Balance: Mobilizing to Protect Our Communities" here, including recording, PowerPoint, and other materials. 
November 2022
Program Materials


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