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This infographic explains why the 2020 Census is important, why it's difficult to do accurately, and gives funding recommendations.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "The 2024 Election and the Path Ahead" here, including the session recording, transcription of the meeting, and relevant links.
This infographic explains why the 2020 Census is particularly important to California and offers recomendations for funders.
Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative Q4 2024 Meeting" here, including the slides and other materials shared during the meeting.
Recognizing the intensifying legal service needs of immigrant communities, GCIR and the California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII) launched a study in 2019 to understand the capacity of immigration legal service providers in California and generate recommendations for philanthropic investment. This 2022 update is a supplement to the 2019-20 findings and offers recommendations to strengthen immigration legal services in California. Read the full report to learn more.
This brief provides an overview of the philanthropic response and documents best practices and lessons learned that can inform current and future efforts to address the needs of immigrants and refugees in California and across the nation.
This report provides a roadmap for how foundations and affinity groups can support the next Census in 2020.
GCIR is thrilled to host our 2024 National Convening in Detroit, Michigan. To help tell the city's migration story, we have created "Destination Detroit: A Timeline of Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian Migration." This timeline is focused on the history of Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (BAMEMSA) communities in the United States – from the arrival of Juan Garrido and Esteban de Dorantes in the 1500s, to the publication of The Life of Omar Ibn Said in 1831, to the arrival of Arab immigrants after the Civil War, to the Great Migration of African Americans out of the South through most of the 20th century, to the embrace of Islam by many Black Americans, to the emergence of a coordinated movement of BAMEMSA groups advocating for justice and dignity in the 21st century.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Immigrant Workers in Rural Communities" here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
This two-page infographic summarizes the mission, vision, and impact of Delivering on the Dream.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Strategies and Tactics for Moving Hearts and Minds" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.