Immigrant Workers

On March 27, 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. 1 The CARES Act, a $2 trillion stimulus bill, builds on H.R. 6201, 2 the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), to provide economic relief and health care options amidst the growing COVID-19 pandemic.
April 2020
Issue Brief
Resources for immigrants and migrant workers.
April 2020
Resource Portal
The International Rescue Committee (IRC), like social service organizations across the U.S., has had to rapidly adapt to an unprecedented model of service delivery at a time when America’s most vulnerable families are being profoundly impacted by the dual impact of a public health crisis and an economic shut down.
April 2020
One family laid off its nanny but wondered if she would video chat with the children for free. Across the country, undocumented household workers are being cast out with little help.
March 2020
News Article
Learn more about how you can support in-home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners during this crisis.
National Domestic Workers Alliance
March 2020
Response Fund
Restaurant Workers Community Foundation was founded in 2018 to advocate for gender equality, racial justice, fair wages, and healthy work environments in the restaurant industry. In the wake of the coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, RWCF’s full focus is on supporting workers, small business owners, and an industry in crisis. 
Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation
March 2020
Response Fund
COVID-19 resources for immigrant communities in the state of California.
March 2020
Join us to learn about coordinated policy efforts across the states, a unique model for building farmworker power in Florida, and how advocates in Tennessee defeated anti-immigrant legislation.
December 2019
“All Immigration is Local”: Philanthropy’s Role in State and Local Advocacy
Please join Northern California Grantmakers and experts to hear about best practices for supporting people with the least access to resources: 1) people with disabilities, 2) immigrants and farm workers, 3) low-income residents, and 4) older adults and seniors.
October 2019
Co-Sponsored Program
This webinar will consider models of improving immigrant access to, and experience of the U.S. labor market, advocacy strategies for expanding workforce protections, and how philanthropy can apply these lessons.
June 2019
A group of students listen intently to a lecture on soil conservation.


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