Immigrant Workers

Researchers at the UC Merced Community and Labor Center find non-citizen women have experienced the deepest job losses. The study is an early signal of how the coronavirus recession is widening California’s economic inequities.
May 2020
News Article
Immigrants have always been a vital part of the social and economic fabric of this country. They have always taken on an oversized share of the frontline work of caring for our sick, our young, and our elderly. So it may not be surprising that immigrant communities are disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 2020
Americans are eligible for up to $1,200 in coronavirus stimulus money — unless they're married and filing taxes jointly with an immigrant who doesn’t have a Social Security number. Democratic leaders are demanding to change that.
May 2020
News Article
The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the worst economic recessions in American history, and the federal government has rightly taken preliminary steps to mitigate the harm for working-class Americans. As a result of the first three stimulus bills, some economic relief is on the horizon for the average American. Unfortunately, there has been relatively little done to provide relief to a critical yet often overlooked segment of the American labor force: undocumented immigrants
April 2020
News Article
Join GCIR to learn from leaders in the immigrant rights movement on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic about how philanthropy must significantly increase grantmaking dollars, shift grantmaking practices, embrace risk, and assert leadership to meet the challenges of this moment.
April 2020
April 2020
News Article
Justice for Migrant Women and other farmworker-serving organizations are raising immediate funds to help keep farmworker families safe from COVID-19 as they work to feed us.
April 2020
Response Fund
The coronavirus pandemic is exposing what we have always known: our nation’s deep inequalities and broken safety net programs leave millions of people without help or relief.
April 2020
Response Fund
The coronavirus pandemic has reached the processing plants where workers typically stand elbow-to-elbow to do the low-wage work of cutting, deboning and packing the chicken and beef that Americans savor. Some plants have offered financial incentives to keep them on the job, but the virus’s swift spread is causing illness and forcing plants to close.
April 2020
News Article
In a joint letter to Governor Newsom, nearly 40 philanthropic organizations, driven by our shared commitment to a just and equitable California, elevated the need to protect and support immigrant Californians and their families who are integral to our social, economic, and civic fabric. 
April 2020
Blog Post


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