Health & Well-Being

October 2021
Program Materials
Open Society Foundations and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees commissioned this report as part of a larger effort to make resources, knowledge, and infrastructure developed during the pandemic known to grantmakers responding to future economic disruptions. Stand Together describes Covid-19 direct relief funds for undocumented immigrants and records promising practices for crisis grantmaking in immigrant communities.
Cover image of report, Woman holding a small child in front of a market.
October 2021
In March 2021, GCIR held a strategy session for funders engaged in or interested in secondary trauma grantmaking strategies. With this follow-up session, GCIR is again creating a space for interested stakeholders to come together to explore how they can support their grantees in tending to their emotional well-being and healing. For funders looking for an introduction to the topic, we recommend accessing our full report, summary, and webinar recording. Attendance at the first strategy session is not a prerequisite for attending this one.
August 2021
Join GCIR and leaders from the field for a conversation on how communities are working to both support newcomers as well as long-term residents.
July 2021
As Covid-19 vaccination rates increase and infections plummet, our society is reopening and a feeling of normalcy is returning for many of us. But those hit hardest by the pandemic, including immigrants and people of color, are returning to communities devastated by a disproportionately high death toll, rampant job loss, and the compounding traumas of the past four years, including hostile immigration policies, toxic rhetoric, surging hate crimes, and a massive racial reckoning. Not everyone has the privilege of returning to normal, and, even before the pandemic, “normal” was not working for everyone.
July 2021
Issue Spotlight
The second quarterly meeting of GCIR's Delivering on the Dream (DOTD) network.
May 2021
Group Meeting
  This discussion will examine how California funders can coordinate their power-building strategies and is open only to members of the California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII). 
April 2021
Group Meeting
Following up on GCIR’s 2020 report on secondary trauma among grantees, we are hosting a funder strategy session to focus on the implementation and refinement of grantmaking practices in this domain.   
March 2021
Group Meeting
Find all program-related materials for the " Secondary Trauma Strategy Session " here.
March 2021
Program Materials
Threats against foundations and nonprofits supporting immigrant rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, and other progressive causes are on the rise, prompting some donors to pour more money into helping organizations and leaders stay safe.
October 2020
Philanthropic News


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