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This infographic explains why the 2020 Census is particularly important to California and offers recomendations for funders.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Holding the Line: Defending Against Harmful Federal & State Policies" here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
While there has been a long history of efforts to erase and exclude immigrants, BIPOC, and other marginalized communities, this timeline shows how powerfully communities in Texas have resisted. From Indigenous nations fighting to preserve their culture to BIPOC communities organizing to end the criminalization of Black and Brown lives, people have sought to protect their freedom to move, stay, work, and thrive.
This two-page infographic covers major policy developments for immigrants and refugees between 1990 and 2015, as well as the efforts over that time period by GCIR, our members, and partners.
In this conversation we’ll hear from leaders at the forefront of efforts to build a more inclusive, healthier, safer and prosperous multi-racial democracy, as well as learn from foundations that have embraced movement-centered strategies.
The Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund, Northern California Grantmakers, and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees invite you to a funder briefing to learn about exciting initiatives to end the political exclusion of immigrants and build thriving local communities through immigrant voting.
Find all program-related materials for the " Federal Immigration Policy Scorecard and Playbook " webinar here, including powerpoints and video message from Sen. Padilla.
This guide provides an overview of the 2010 census and background information for foundations interested in supporting efforts to produce a more accurate count of California's population.
The California Dignity for Families Fund is guided by an advisory committee with deep movement, community, government and philanthropic experience. This team has been charged with setting the Fund’s grantmaking strategy as well as selecting the partner organizations to receive grants.
Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative Q2 2024 Meeting" here, including the slides and other materials shared during the meeting.
Find all program related materials from our QI LSWG Meeting here, including recording.