The 2020 census was among the most fraught in recent history, with threats to a fair and complete count posed by the global pandemic and the federal administration’s attempt to limit the inclusion of immigrants. Fortunately, funders and other stakeholders built on the lessons of census 2010, and the California Census 2020 Statewide Funders Initiative coordinated investments with the state to maximize the number of Californians counted.
Join GCIR for a discussion with researchers, funders, and census mobilizers to discuss the result of philanthropic investments during the 2020 census cycle and what steps can be taken to preserve the infrastructure developed and knowledge gained in 2020 for the lead up to the 2030 census.
- Vanessa Bechtel, President & CEO, Ventura County Community Foundation
- Rachel Estrella, Senior Associate, Social Policy Research Associates
- Naindeep Singh, Executive Director, Jakara Movement
- Robin Thundershield, Outreach Coordinator, California Native Vote Project
- Christian Arana, Vice President of Policy, Latino Community Foundation
Register by Friday, November 5, 2021.
TranspArEncy Commitment
Thank you for your interest in this program. GCIR's webinars and funder learning opportunities are made possible through the time and expertise of presenters from the field. In the spirit of transparency, GCIR will make available the list of webinar participants to presenters upon request, unless the registrant requests to remain anonymous (to register anonymously for this program uncheck the box "show in roster").
Photo by Tony Webster with Creative Commons