Census 2020: California Updates
California Deploys over $10 million of Non-Response Follow Up Funding to Double Down on 2,000 Census Tracts
With just 30 days left to respond to the 2020 Census, the California Complete Count – Census 2020 Office (Census Office) announced today targeted outreach to motivate and activate Californians to fill out the form.
Census: California Hosts Weeks of Action July 27 – August 10
SACRAMENTO – On Monday, July 27, California’s Census campaign will kick off a focused two-week push to urge Californians to fill out the 2020 Census form.
Adaptive Strategies to Get out the Count: How California Census Grantees are Pivoting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Census 2020 California Statewide Funders’ Initiative: Adaptive Strategies to Get out the Count: How California Census Grantees are Pivoting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
California Complete Count - Census 2020 Quarterly Progress Report
The California Complete Count - Census 2020 Office would like to present the April 2020 Quarterly Progress Report to the Legislature.
RELEASE: California’s 2020 Census Campaign Highlights Accessibility Efforts
With the 2020 Census count underway, the California For All – Census 2020 Campaign today highlighted a series of measures to help the hardest-to-count Californians get the information and support they need to participate in the 2020 Census.
Census Week Efforts Push CA to 46.1% Household Self-Response Rate
Today, the California Census 2020 Campaign announced that Census responses jumped 9.1 percentage points during Census week – an estimated 1.36 million households self-responded to the Census form.
2020 Census Day Statement from Philanthropy California and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
2020 Census Day Statement from Philanthropy California and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
Letter from Governor Newsom to USCB and US Dept of Commerce
Letter from Governor Newsom, delivered on April 1, 2020 to the US Census Bureau and US Department of Commerce regarding Census 2020 operations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
California Counts! A Funders' Guide to the 2010 Census
This guide provides an overview of the 2010 census and background information for foundations interested in supporting efforts to produce a more accurate count of California's population.
California Counts! 2010 Census Campaign: A Network Approach to Funder Collaboration
This report provides a roadmap for how foundations and affinity groups can support the next Census in 2020.
California Counts! Reducing 2020 Census Undercount
This infographic covers reviews the populations the Census typically undercounts in California, why there is a state undercount, and how that undercount can be reduced in 2020.
California Counts!
This infographic explains why the 2020 Census is particularly important to California and offers recomendations for funders.