Census Week Efforts Push CA to 46.1% Household Self-Response Rate

Thursday, April 9, 2020

SACRAMENTO – Today, the California Census 2020 Campaign announced that Census responses jumped 9.1 percentage points during Census week – an estimated 1.36 million households self-responded to the Census form. According to self-response data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau from March 30 – April 5, also known as Census Week, rates moved for California as a result of a coordinated outreach campaign.

On April 1 alone, Census responses increased 3 percentage points – about 435,000 California households responded to the Census form on Census Day. So far, 46.1% of California households have self-responded to the Census (an estimated 6.9 million households). California has the greatest number of households responding to the Census form compared to other states.

The California Census Campaign is working with more than 120 partners including local governments, Tribal Governments, K-12 schools, County Offices of Education, community-based organizations, state agencies and departments, faith-based organizations, labor unions, small businesses, ethnic and mainstream media outlets and others.

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