
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Four Freedoms Fund, and Rise Together Fund invite you to a critical conversation on centering racial justice in the immigrant justice movement.
October 2020
Today, the Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). While the decision was made on procedural grounds and not on the merits of the program, it nevertheless provides a reprieve for 650,000 immigrants and their families, including more than 250,000 U.S.-citizen children. 
DACA "We Will Not Be Silenced"
June 2020
Justice. Belonging. Humanity. Courage. Solidarity.  Grounded in these values that drive our mission, GCIR condemns racism and racial terror. We condemn the racism and racial terror that have oppressed and brutalized African Americans for more than 400 years.
GCIR logo.png
June 2020
This year’s Juneteenth celebration comes amidst a painful moment of reckoning for our country with a legacy of anti-Black racism that continues to permeate our society. While the shocking and abhorrent deaths of Black men, women, and children at the hands of law enforcement may be the most visceral examples of racial inequity, we know the challenges go far deeper. Today we stand in steadfast solidarity with Black-led organizations working to combat anti-Black racism.
June 2020
Resource Portal, Video & Audio
GCIR was thrilled to have Stacey Abrams—political trailblazer, nonprofit CEO, serial entrepreneur, and New York Times—bestselling author—deliver the keynote address at our 2020 National Convening.
March 2020
Presentation, Video & Audio
In January 2019, I reflected on the extreme anti-immigrant policies that have come out of the White House over the past two years, the resulting human devastation, and the attacks that are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. I called on philanthropy to dream big and act with courage because we can only combat these injustices if we have a vision that surpasses the opposition’s in ambition and scope.
June 2019
President's Message
Resources from GCIR's 2022 National Convening workshop, "Combating Abuses Against Foreign-born Workers."
Program Materials


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