GCIR Funder Surveys; Hate Is Not Charitable Campaign

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

By Daranee Petsod, GCIR President

Dear Colleagues:

In January 2019, I reflected on the extreme anti-immigrant policies that have come out of the White House over the past two years, the resulting human devastation, and the attacks that are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. I called on philanthropy to dream big and act with courage because we can only combat these injustices if we have a vision that surpasses the opposition’s in ambition and scope.

I also announced GCIR’s plan to develop an affirmative vision to drive immigrant-related investments over the next decade. Since the announcement, I’m pleased to report that we have embarked on a comprehensive endeavor to examine funding trends; analyze global, national, and state developments; and engage a wide range of stakeholders, including GCIR members, immigrant rights and service organizations, as well as allies in academia and the public sector. As part of this expansive effort, I invite you to help us understand immigrant-related funding trends and share your ideas for the long-term vision. With your input via these online surveys, GCIR will continue our long track record of guiding timely and strategic investments to improve the lives of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.

Immigrant Related Grant Survey

GCIR will celebrate our 30th anniversary next year at our 2020 National Convening on March 11-13 in Atlanta, Georgia. This signature event promises to be an inspiring and thought-provoking gathering where we will hear different perspectives, challenge our assumptions, seek to bridge differences, and engage in courageous conversations to bring the long-term vision to life. As we begin our convening planning process, we want to hear your ideas and invite you to share them as part of the long-term vision survey.

Convening & Long-Term Vision Survey

Given the high stakes for immigrant communities, thank you for carving out time in your busy schedule to share your thoughts on the long-term vision and the 2020 convening—and for providing information on your immigrant-related grantmaking that will help us identify important trends. Please complete the surveys no later than Friday, June 21.

While the long-term vision will be our North Star as we embark on the next decade, we also strive to live up to our values in the immediate term. GCIR has signed on to the Hate Is Not Charitable Campaign, calling on providers of donor-advised funds to screen out hate groups because “[u]sing tax-deductible dollars to support hate groups undermines a shared value of democracy inherent to the logic of promoting the public interest.”

We urge every foundation—whether or not you are associated with donor-advised funds—to learn more about the Hate Is Not Charitable Campaign and sign on; read about the anti-immigrant movement and the private money funding it; and consider additional ways beyond grantmaking that your foundation can show up for immigrant communities in these challenging times.

I look forward to your thoughts and partnership as we chart a course for the future together.

Daranee Petsod