Disaster & Humanitarian Relief

Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Investing in Climate Resilience for Immigrant and BIPOC Communities in the South" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.
August 2023
Program Materials
Open Society Foundations and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees commissioned this report as part of a larger effort to make resources, knowledge, and infrastructure developed during the pandemic known to grantmakers responding to future economic disruptions. Stand Together describes Covid-19 direct relief funds for undocumented immigrants and records promising practices for crisis grantmaking in immigrant communities.
Cover image of report, Woman holding a small child in front of a market.
October 2021
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar, "Intersectional Justice: Migrants on the Front Lines of Climate Change" here, including recording and powerpoint presentation.
July 2021
Program Materials
Find all program-related materials for GCIR and HIP's webinar, "Regional Border Response to Emerging Migration and Humanitarian Needs Day II" here, including recording.
April 2021
Program Materials
This five-page brief provides analysis and recommendations that apply to any states that have experienced a natural disaster.
November 2017
Funding Recommendations
This brief provides an overview of the philanthropic response and documents best practices and lessons learned that can inform current and future efforts to address the needs of immigrants and refugees in California and across the nation.
May 2017
Resources from GCIR's 2022 National Convening workshop, "The Newest Push Factor: Climate Change and Migration."
Program Materials
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