GCIR 2016 Annual Report

Publication date: 
April 2017

In 2016, immigrants and refugees in the United States were catapulted to the center of policy debates. The United States Supreme Court issued a deadlocked decision in United States v. Texas, which halted the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the creation of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents. This decision indefinitely put on hold two initiatives that would have allowed up to five million undocumented immigrants to apply for temporary work permits and protection from deportation. Meanwhile, the 2016 presidential campaign fueled racist and xenophobic vitriol, pitting immigrants and refugees against other vulnerable communities. The year culminated in an election outcome that plunged many immigrants and refugees into a state of profound fear and uncertainty, with threats of mass deportation, family separation, and rights violations looming large.

In this volatile immigration policy landscape, GCIR provided the thought leadership, technical assistance, educational programs, and resources that helped funders understand shifting conditions in the field and respond to emerging needs.

Review our 2016 Annual Report to learn more about our work that year.

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