Home to more foreign-born individuals than any other state except California, Texas continues to be the point of arrival for a diverse range of newcomers. While Texas governor Greg Abbot recently pulled the unethical and inexcusable political stunt of relocating thousands of those arrivals to other states, local nonprofits have jumped in to welcome them, just as they have historically done for newly arriving immigrants before them. From representing unaccompanied minors from Central America to resettling Afghan arrivals, the daily work of supporting and advocating for newcomers continues independent of the headlines. Nonetheless, philanthropic funding for immigrant communities lags in states like Texas, one of the reasons GCIR decided to hold our 2022 Biennial National Convening in the state.
In this conversation, we'll hear from Houston-area leaders who will share their strategies for welcoming newcomers to the region despite the Texas state government's hostility to immigrants and communities of color. We'll also explore how funders can support the work being done in Houston and beyond to welcome immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.
- Ali Al Sudani, Chief Programs Officer, Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston
- Carolina Rodriguez-Neufeld, Managing Attorney, Kids in Need of Defense
- Zenobia Lai, Executive Director, Houston Immigrant Legal Service Collaborative
- Meghna Goswami, Program Director - Civic Engagement, Houston Endowment
Register by Monday, October 24th, 2022.
Transperancy Committment
Thank you for your interest in this program. GCIR's webinars and funder learning opportunities are made possible through the time and expertise of presenters from the field. In the spirit of transparency, GCIR will make available the list of webinar participants to presenters upon request, unless the registrant requests to remain anonymous (to register anonymously for this program uncheck the box "show in roster").
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