As the results of the 2024 presidential election come into focus, now is the time to share and advance strategies for leveraging our resources and positional power to protect immigrants, refugees, and their families from the threats to come. In the lead up to this consequential election, movement organizations and their allies have been developing response plans and preparing for a variety of outcomes. With imminent plans for mass deportations and early moves by the incoming administration that signal a readiness to tear families apart, violate human rights, and devastate communities, leaders at the local, state, and national levels are moving to advance their strategies and put plans into action.
Join GCIR, movement organizations, and funders for a post-election debrief and discussion about this new reality, the strategies that are already being put into place, and how philanthropy can act quickly, powerfully, and decisively to support those efforts while keeping an eye on the long game of building a multiracial and inclusive democracy.
- Anu Joshi, National Campaign Director for Immigration, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Jasmine Rivera, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (PICC)
- Laura Martin, Executive Director, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN)
- Kica Matos, President, National Immigration Law Center (NILC)
- Kevin Douglas, Senior Director of National Programs, GCIR
Please register by 5pm PT on Monday, November 18th.
transparency commitment
Thank you for your interest in this program. GCIR's webinars and funder learning opportunities are made possible through the time and expertise of presenters from the field. In the spirit of transparency, GCIR will make available the list of webinar participants to presenters upon request, unless the registrant requests to remain anonymous (to register anonymously for this program uncheck the box "show in roster").
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