California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative (CIII)
Thank you for joining the first Legal Service Working Group meeting of 2020.
April 2020
Group Materials
Thank you for joining the California Funders Supporting Immigrants During the COVID-19 Crisis webinar. Find all program-related materials for the webinar here including slides and recording.
April 2020
Program Materials
Resources shared on the quarter two statewide CIII meeting on Thursday, April 30, 2020.
April 2020
Group Materials
Thank you for everyone who attended the Bay Area Funders' Regional meeting.
February 2020
Group Materials
This report offers recommendations to strengthen immigration legal services in California for immigrants and asylum seekers. The report draws from 20 interviews with executive-level staff from legal service organizations and 80 responses to an online survey of a broad range of immigration legal service providers across the state.
February 2020
A Funder’s View of Detention, Sara Campos,The Grove Foundation
September 2019
Blog Post
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at the CIII retreat.
September 2019
Program Materials
Following the CIII retreat, the legal services learning lab hosted a learning lab for funders for an important conversation on the move to end detention. Participants were moved by our inspirational leaders from across the country who are fighting to end the policy and practice of immigration detention.
September 2019
Program Materials
CHART: The Gov’s budget proposal: What changed?
May 2019
Source: California Immigrant Policy Center