California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative (CIII)

Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative Q2 2024 Meeting" here, including the slides and other materials shared during the meeting. 
June 2024
Group Materials
Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative Q1 2024 Convening" here, including the slides and other materials shared during the meeting. 
April 2024
Group Materials
Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Integration Initiative Q4 2023 Meeting" here, including the recording and the transcription of the meeting.
December 2023
Group Materials
Recognizing the intensifying legal service needs of immigrant communities, GCIR and the California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII) launched a study in 2019 to understand the capacity of immigration legal service providers in California and generate recommendations for philanthropic investment. This 2022 update is a supplement to the 2019-20 findings and offers recommendations to strengthen immigration legal services in California. Read the full report to learn more.
2022 Update - Immigration Legal Services in California A Time for Bold Action
May 2022
Analysis on the critical importance of legal services for immigrants and how philanthropy can help expand access. Authored by Sara Campos, Grove Foundation; Navin Moul, Zellerbach Family Foundation; and Kevin Douglas, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees.
Inside Philanthropy Logo
September 2021
Thank you for joining the first Legal Service Working Group meeting of 2020. 
April 2020
Group Materials
Thank you for joining the California Funders Supporting Immigrants During the COVID-19 Crisis webinar. Find all program-related materials for the webinar here including slides and recording.
April 2020
Program Materials
Resources shared on the quarter two statewide CIII meeting on Thursday, April 30, 2020.
April 2020
Group Materials
Thank you for everyone who attended the Bay Area Funders' Regional meeting. 
February 2020
Group Materials
This report offers recommendations to strengthen immigration legal services in California for immigrants and asylum seekers. The report draws from 20 interviews with executive-level staff from legal service organizations and 80 responses to an online survey of a broad range of immigration legal service providers across the state.
February 2020


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