
Join GCIR and our partners at Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) for a 75-minute webinar that aims to inspire funders to imagine what is possible, and to move them to take action to help protect the freedom to move and stay.
June 2023
Join GCIR and our partners from the Four Freedoms Fund, the Latino Community Foundation, the California Community Foundation, and the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation to discuss the importance of investing in movement infrastructure and to learn directly from funder colleagues how they define and prioritize this work.
May 2023
Join this webinar to learn more about pressing state and federal immigration policy issues from campaign leaders and to explore steps funders can take to support their efforts.
April 2023
Join GCIR, Immigrants Rising, Youth Engagement Fund, and the Undocumented in Philanthropy Network on April 6 for an info session on employment-based immigration remedies and benefits that may be advantageous to workers with DACA.
April 2023
With wage inequality impacting the ability of women – particularly women of color – to receive fair compensation for their labor, GCIR will host a webinar discussion on strategies for supporting the economic empowerment of immigrant and refugee women. 
March 2023
Join GCIR and movement leaders in this webinar for an analysis of the root causes of migration for Black immigrants and refugees, how they are working to build power domestically and transnationally, and how funders can support this diverse community.
February 2023
A group of African American people protest racial injustice.
In this webinar session – a part of GCIR’s series on rural power building – we will explore how detention in rural areas is harming communities; challenges to obtaining legal representation; and how local, state, and national organizations are confronting the harmful impacts of immigration detention on communities across the country.
January 2023
A tractor drives across a rural field.
Join GCIR and a panel of network stakeholders as we delve into a brand-new report which synthesizes lessons learned from the DOTD network over the past ten years and provides recommendations for future philanthropic collaboration.
January 2023
A young Black man leads a group discussion with his multi-ethnic colleagues.
Philanthropy has often conflated narrative change work with strategic communications, one-directional communications campaigns, or story projects that may have short-term effects but fail to transform cultural norms. Instead, narrative change means shifting our world view. As Pop Culture Collaborative’s Bridgit Antoinette Evans shares, narratives are all around us, “influencing everything about how we live, see, and think about ourselves in the world.” Narrative change involves the creation of a new story and communicating that story to audiences in ways that resonate with them, putting the new narrative into practice, and evaluating the efforts of that narrative shift and adapting it accordingly. The goal is to transform “the ecosystems of narratives, ideas, and cultural norms that shape the behaviors, mindsets, and worldviews of millions of people” – to transform “whole narrative oceans.”
December 2022
Racial capitalism is one of the major factors that inflicts harm upon – and withholds power and resources from – people and communities who seek to stay, move freely, work, transform, and thrive. GCIR is focused on moving money and power to immigrant, refugee, and asylum seeker communities and movement groups. Understanding the proportion of philanthropic dollars that go to the immigrant justice movement is crucial to this advocacy. The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) has documented the state of philanthropic funding for immigrant and refugee communities, and offers crucial recommendations for grantmakers who hope to liberate philanthropic assets in support of these communities.
December 2022


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