Immigrant Children, Youth & Families

Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Building a Multi-Racial Democracy by Investing in Immigrant and Refugee Movements Before, During, and After Elections" here, including the session recording, transcript, and other materials shared. 
Building a Multi-Racial Democracy
August 2024
Program Materials
This briefing will feature a panel of speakers representing nonprofit organizations working on the front lines to strengthen our democracy and advance immigrant rights in their communities.
July 2024
The second quarterly meeting of GCIR's Legal Services Working Group (LSWG).
June 2021
Group Meeting
The first quarterly meeting of GCIR's California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII).   
February 2021
Group Meeting
The first quarterly meeting of GCIR's Delivering on the Dream (DOTD) network.
February 2021
Group Meeting
Join us for a discussion where leaders in the field will unpack the Supreme Court’s DACA decision and explore how philanthropy can support the immigrant rights movement as it plans for what comes next.
June 2020
Our nation has just completed an incomparable year. A wave of restrictionist policies, championed by some and unthinkable to others, have disrupted families and communities, schools and businesses across the nation. In the wake of these changes, what will the New Year hold?
January 2018
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Monthly Immigration Policy Call: What Will the New Year Bring?
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