Immigrant Children, Youth & Families

Since October 2017, the U.S. government has forcibly separated more than 2,300 children—including hundreds who are under four years old—from their parents as they arrive on our southern border seeking refuge. Join us for 1.5-hour call to hear from a panel of experts on the current situation, explore the impact of these policies on families and children, and learn about GCIR’s recommendations on how philanthropy can respond.
June 2018
Child Hugging Father
This policy call considered the administration’s efforts to deny access to justice to immigrants in detention and a recent surprising policy reversal, as well as the long-term view of how denial of access to justice can impact conditions of confinement for immigrants separated from their children and families.
May 2018
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Family Separation Policies and Access to Justice in Detention Systems
Join us for a webinar featuring a new report from The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Living in an Immigrant Family in America: How Fear and Toxic Stress Are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, and Health.
March 2018
Immigrant Families in America Today: How Fear and Toxic Stress Are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, and Health
This two-page document considers different avenues for funders to respond to the changing policy landscape and support children in immigrant families.
What philanthropy can do for children in immigrant families
February 2018
Funding Recommendations
Our nation has just completed an incomparable year. A wave of restrictionist policies, championed by some and unthinkable to others, have disrupted families and communities, schools and businesses across the nation. In the wake of these changes, what will the New Year hold?
January 2018
Monthly Immigration Policy Call
Monthly Immigration Policy Call: What Will the New Year Bring?
Join us to learn about the greatest needs and gaps on the ground for immigrant and refugee communities, and hear from local experts on implications for services and policies.
May 2017
Regional Briefing


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