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Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative Q1 2024 Convening" here, including the slides and other materials shared during the meeting.
Find all program-related materials for the " Secondary Trauma Strategy Session " here.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "The Future of Immigration Legal Services: A Time For Bold Action" here, including program recording and powerpoint.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Securing our People, Securing the Future" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "The Value of Learning in Grantmaking to Migrant Communities" here, including the session recording, transcription of the meeting, and relevant links.
Our 2018 convening was an opportunity to gather with local, state, and national foundations with diverse interests to discuss emerging challenges and opportunities for newcomers and receiving communities.
We at GCIR are heartbroken about the devastating crises unfolding in Afghanistan and Haiti. Our country can rise to our highest ideals by providing protection to those who most desperately need it and welcoming them into our communities. Read our statement with recommendations for philanthropy.
Find all program-related materials for the webinar, "Economic Security for Immigrants: Innovative Workforce Approaches" here, including presentation, recording, and other resources.
Find all related program materials for the webinar "The Critical Role of Philanthropy in the TPS Journey for Justice" here, including powerpoint and recording.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Pushing Philanthropic Practice to Support Black Migrants" here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
Recognizing the intensifying legal service needs of immigrant communities, GCIR and the California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII) launched a study in 2019 to understand the capacity of immigration legal service providers in California and generate recommendations for philanthropic investment. This 2022 update is a supplement to the 2019-20 findings and offers recommendations to strengthen immigration legal services in California. Read the full report to learn more.
This 20-page report considers the impacts and opportunities presented by the growing number of immigrants in Oregon and Washington. The report includes overviews of newcomers’ impacts on the two states’ demographics, economics, and educational systems; a review of national policy implications for immigrants in the region; and a set of funding recommendations for local, state, regional, and national funders.
Resources from GCIR's 2022 National Convening plenary, "Leadership on the Front Lines: Investing in the Promise of Youth Organizing."
GCIR's Amplify series features interviews with immigrant justice field leaders to showcase their work and provide a platform for their perspectives. In this edition, GCIR President Marissa Tirona hosts our very first Amplify podcast episode! She speaks with Paco de Onís and Pamela Yates, who co-founded Skylight Pictures, a nonprofit human rights media organization.