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Find all program-related materials for GCIR's strategy session "DACA in the Balance: Mobilizing to Protect Our Communities" here, including recording, PowerPoint, and other materials.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "Strategies and Tactics for Moving Hearts and Minds" here, including the session recording and transcription of the meeting.
This two-page infographic looks at the foreign-born population in Texas, including legal status, regions of birth, geographic locations in the state, workforce and economic contributions, and other factors.
More than 200 philanthropic institutions from across the country have signed onto this joint GCIR statement in support of children and families seeking refuge in the United States.
While there has been a long history of efforts to erase and exclude immigrants, BIPOC, and other marginalized communities, this timeline shows how powerfully communities in Texas have resisted. From Indigenous nations fighting to preserve their culture to BIPOC communities organizing to end the criminalization of Black and Brown lives, people have sought to protect their freedom to move, stay, work, and thrive.
Resources from GCIR's 2022 National Convening plenary, "Leadership on the Front Lines: Investing in the Promise of Youth Organizing."
What does it mean to be an American? How has the United States defined citizenship over time? To explore these critical questions, GCIR has developed a timeline, “Who Gets to Be an American,” which provides in-depth information on the evolution of American citizenship and how the United States has determined who belongs in this country and who does not. Understanding this history and the forces that drive it is critical to understanding how we decide who gets to be American today. This is the first in a series of timelines GCIR will release over the coming year, culminating in the release of a full Im/Migration Timeline tracking the history of movement within, to, and from the United States through a decolonized lens.
Find all program-related materials for GCIR's webinar "After Title 42: Implications for the Americas" here, including the session recording and PowerPoint.
Find all materials for GCIR's "California Immigrant Inclusion Initiative Q1 2024 Convening" here, including the slides and other materials shared during the meeting.
Resources from GCIR's 2022 National Convening workshop, "Black Immigrants and the Fight for Racial Justice."
GCIR is thrilled to host our 2024 National Convening in Detroit, Michigan. To help tell the city's migration story, we have created "Destination Detroit: A Timeline of Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian Migration." This timeline is focused on the history of Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (BAMEMSA) communities in the United States – from the arrival of Juan Garrido and Esteban de Dorantes in the 1500s, to the publication of The Life of Omar Ibn Said in 1831, to the arrival of Arab immigrants after the Civil War, to the Great Migration of African Americans out of the South through most of the 20th century, to the embrace of Islam by many Black Americans, to the emergence of a coordinated movement of BAMEMSA groups advocating for justice and dignity in the 21st century.