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The economy, natural disasters, big breaking news, election cycles, etc. all make catching potential donors’ attention and investments more difficult. In the course of a normal year, these dynamics are commonplace and even anticipatable. We know how to reschedule campaigns, we’re getting better at planning for the boom and bust of electoral cycle funding and have learned to lean into more resilient sources of independent revenue like sustainer giving to get us through the ups and downs.
Bipartisan Bill Would Help Ensure Accurate Count By Extending Deadlines To Report Data, Complete Field Operations
In the first eight months of the Trump administration, arrests and deportations of immigrants rose 40 percent versus the year before. Yet it may not last. A new report from Migration Policy Institute finds it is “unlikely” the current level of removals will continue.
Join GCIR for this peer-to-peer discussion session to learn about the challenges local leaders are encountering while addressing the needs of these newly arriving migrants. We will also explore the strategies currently being developed and refined for building strong response networks. It has become clear that – in addition to resources –communication, coordination, and adaptability are essential to a successful response. This session will provide an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and ask questions about strategies for welcoming and supporting new arrivals.
Join GCIR and leaders from the field for a timely discussion as we release findings and recommendation for action from our recently-concluded national research project on secondary trauma.
If you are a funder practitioner currently or considering funding in rural communities and are interested in the intersection of rural issues with migrant justice and belonging, we invite you to join GCIR’s Resourcing Rural Belonging Community of Practice.
GCIR's groups provide forums for grantmakers, no matter their size, location, experience, or funding priorities, to gather and learn from one another, collaborate on strategy, and maximize their impact.
The results of this year’s midterm elections will have an enormous impact in shaping the political landscape for years to come. Join Grantmakers Income Security Taskforce (GIST) for interactive sessions on the outcomes of the 2018 midterm elections.
This webinar will share findings from new opinion research about using total population versus citizens of voting age when drawing district lines – and how to talk about this technical, yet important issue for communities and our democracy.
The coronavirus pandemic has reached the processing plants where workers typically stand elbow-to-elbow to do the low-wage work of cutting, deboning and packing the chicken and beef that Americans savor. Some plants have offered financial incentives to keep them on the job, but the virus’s swift spread is causing illness and forcing plants to close.
The COVID-19 Response Fund for Forsyth County was established by a partnership between United Way of Forsyth County, The Winston-Salem Foundation, the City of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, and Community Organizations Active in Disaster to support local community members impacted by the novel coronavirus. The fund is designed to complement the work of government and public health officials to address all aspects of the outbreak in Forsyth County.
This strategy session is designed for funders engaged in and committed to supporting immigrant power building strategies.
The California Dignity for Families Fund helps migrants at the border and newly arriving Afghan and Haitian migrants receive urgent humanitarian relief as they request asylum and resettle across the state.
Join us for GCIR’s first Southwest regional network meeting, where we will create space for funders in the region to connect, learn from one another, and map out opportunities for future collaboration.