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If you’re an immigrant in Washington State experiencing hard times because of COVID-19, and you aren’t eligible for federal financial relief or unemployment insurance, this fund is for you.
The third quarterly meeting of GCIR's California Immigrant Integration Initiative (CIII).
Latino immigrant families in regions such as the San Joaquin and Imperial Valleys are paying a triple financial toll during the pandemic—at work, at home, and on their health- all while being excluded from economic assistance due to legal status.
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan is joining with Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees and The Kresge Foundation to create the Southeast Michigan Immigrant and Refugee Funder Collaborative, which seeks to address a needs gap of the immigrant and refugee population in the region.
Please contribute to a relief fund for immigrants in the Rio Grande Valley who are unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and who urgently need to meet certain obligations (rent, utility bills, mortgage loans, etc).
The Emergency Relief Fund for Immigrants in SD is a grassroots fundraising effort to provide accelerated, short-term financial assistance to immigrant families and individuals, who have minimal access to state or federal support, and who, because of COVID-19, may be pushed even deeper into the shadows with few resources available to meet their immediate needs. This is a statewide fund.
In this conversation, we'll here from Houston-area leaders who will share their strategies for welcoming newcomers to the region despite the Texas State government's hostility to immigrants and communities of color. We'll also explore how funders can support the work being done in Houston and beyond to welcome immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.