We are pleased to invite you to join GCIR February 23rd to 26th for the United Philanthropy Forum’s annual Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) gathering in Washington, D.C. As the largest public policy and advocacy conference for the philanthropic sector, FOTH presents a powerful opportunity for funders to act in allyship with the movement leaders who are at the heart of the work we seek to amplify and support.
With a new, openly anti-immigrant federal administration and congress now in place, it is ever more critical that we leverage our philanthropic privilege and power to stand with immigrant and refugee communities. Building on our past two years leading this delegation, GCIR is organizing a slate of meetings to strategize with allies and potential allies in congress and urge them to be courageous in their leadership.
Sophy Yem, a Senior Program Officer at the Surdna Foundation, took part in GCIR’s FOTH delegation in 2024. She has written a blog post and recorded an interview reflecting on her experience and encouraging others in philanthropy to join in future efforts.
“Attending events like Foundations on the Hill not only broadens your understanding of the advocacy landscape, but also deepens your engagement with critical issues affecting our communities,” she said. “It's a unique opportunity to witness and contribute to the collective effort of building relationships and dialogues that uphold the dignity and rights of immigrants and refugees.”
GCIR's 2024 delegation also included Martina Leake and Shima Kabirigi from Maine Initiatives. You can read about their experiences here. In 2023, GCIR was joined by Stephanie Martinez of the Peter E. Haas, Jr. Family Fund. Read her relfections here.
Please note that our trip to D.C. will include advocacy, but not lobbying, making these types of meetings appropriate for funders of all types. Those interested in joining GCIR this year should first register for FOTH independently. After registering, please contact Kevin Douglas, Senior Director of National Programs, to confirm your delegation spot and ensure you gain access to our prep meetings and materials. There is no additional cost to participate in our delegation.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions. We look forward to seeing you soon!